Elizabeth Woodson is joined by Jennifer Lucy Tyler to talk about the covenant God makes with Abraham in Genesis 12. This covenant is one of many promises that God will make pointing towards the salvation of his people.
Questions Covered in This Episode:
What is faith?
In what ways do we see Abraham exhibit faith in his response to God’s call on his life?
What tends to block people from walking by faith?
How can we overcome these obstacles?
What does it look like for you to walk by faith in your relationship with the Lord?
How do you know when God is asking you to take a step of faith?
How do The Abrahamic Covenant and the theme of faith point us toward the gospel?
Helpful Definitions:
Faith: Reliance upon and trust in God.
Guest Bio:
Jennifer Lucy Tyler is a Bible teacher, storyteller, entrepreneur, and growth coach. She is the founder of Soul Circles, a virtual community centered around studying the Bible inductively. In 2020, Jennifer founded Mission Consulting Hub, which is comprised of a group of BIPOC women creatives who are on a mission to “serve the servant-leader.” She serves on the board of directors for The City of Refuge Ghana, is an official ambassador for International Justice Mission, and serves as a women’s ministry leader at her local church. She resides in Maryland and is happily married to her husband Jeffrey Tyler and their fur baby Shadow. You can follow her on Instagram.
Reflection Question:
In what area of your life is God asking you to take a step of faith?
Continue Learning:
If you want to learn more about the entire story of the Bible check out Elizabeth’s new study, From Beginning To Forever.
Scripture Passage: Genesis 12-17