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2 | The Fall, Sin, & Uprooting Our Idols with Tymarcus Ragland

Elizabeth Woodson is joined by Tymarcus Ragland to dive into Genesis 3 to discuss how sin disrupts shalom and how sin is about more than us doing bad stuff. Sin is ultimately about who or what we worship and our actions are the indicator of whether we are worshiping the one true and Holy God or a counterfeit god, also known as an idol.

Questions Covered in This Episode:

  • What is the connection in scripture between sin and idolatry?

  • Where do we see idolatry pop up in these first few chapters of Genesis (chapters 4-11)?

  • What are some idols we are prone to worship instead of God?

  • What does it look like for you to be aware of and fight against idolatry in your life?

  • How do The Fall and the themes of sin & idolatry point us toward the gospel?

Guest Bio:

Reflection Question:

In what area of your life are you choosing your own way over God’s way?

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If you want to learn more about the entire story of the Bible check out Elizabeth’s new study, From Beginning To Forever. 

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